Governance and responsibility

We aim to set the standard for good corporate citizenship in the logistics industry.

Integrity, honesty and respect

At Amundsen Logistics Services, we are resolute in our commitment to deliver an unmatched logistics experience to our customers, while upholding our integrity. We require our employees, contractors, consultants and directors to behave honestly, ethically and respectfully, in accordance with our Code of Conduct.

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We are committed to doing business ethically

Sustainability Commitment

We believe that we have an obligation to our customers, our employees, our partners across the supply chain and the environment to operate our business sustainably.

Chain of Responsibility

We are committed to operating in the safest possible manner. We seek to maintain compliance with all laws and regulations governing transport and logistics including the Heavy Vehicle National Law and Chain of Responsibility obligations.

Quality Management System

We maintain a Quality Management System compliant, which demonstrates our commitment to excellent standards and continuous improvement.

Modern Slavery Statement

We do not condone any form of human rights abuse, including modern slavery. We expect all employees, suppliers and subcontractors to uphold a culture of integrity, honesty and commitment to ethical labour.

Whistleblower Policy

Amundsen Logistics Services is committed to creating a culture that encourages lawful, honest and ethical conduct. Our Whistleblower Policy sets out how an employee may disclose suspected misconduct and explains how whistleblowers may be protected.